Monday, February 23, 2015

Review update and News

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to make a quick post to let you know what's going on with reviews on the site.

As you may know by my reviews, and limited number of them so far I am new to writing reviews.  This is something I aim to get better at, and would really like to incorperate more videos from my YouTube channel into my reviews as well.

I am currently working on a few reviews that will be coming in the following days / week.
The first one I am working on now is Beseige.  This is a really fun game and I really look forward to getting a review up soon.  I am also working on a "Let's Play / Review" video series for Beseige as well.  The first video will be online within a day (takes a while to upload).

After Beseige, I will be working on Medieval Engineers, and Hand of Fate!  These two games are looking to be quite nice as well.  I have played a little bit of Medieval Engineers so far, but not Hand of Fate.

One last thing for now,  I'd love it if you could help me out by sharing my reviews / blog site on the social networks.  I'd like to get some feedback on how I am doing as a reviewer and love to hear comments, and criticism as well.

Thanks for checking out my site, and stay tuned for more reviews.  I believe you can follow this blog site from the links below... If it's not setup for following let me know in the comments and I will get it setup.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Hero of the kingdom 2

It all starts peacefully until pirates attack the small fishing village and take your sister!  Now I must save her and help whoever I can to gain trust and fame.  Those pirates will be stopped!

Hero of the Kingdom II is a really nice game with a unique play style.  You help out anyone you can and learn about the village, and people there. 

The game does a great job with art and sound.  However, there were some times when I felt “stuck” and not able to move forward in the story.  This was because there are things that you can pick up, but you really need to look for them.  Things like crates, grains, and other trinkets scattered around the world.

Since the game is story driven I don’t want to spoil the game for you, but I do want to say that I definitely enjoyed the game and recommend it to anyone that enjoys casual, story driven games.

As you play the game more features become available, such as inventory, and a map that use can use for fast travel.

*EDIT*  I wanted to make a quick note about the developer and community for this game.  One of the things I look for when doing game reviews is how the developer is involved with the community.  Some devs really do a great job with interacting with players and responding to player feedback / problems, and of course, as we all know there are some developers that disappear after a game is released.  This developer, Lonelytroops, is doing a great job with the community.  I have seen many posts in the steam forums responding to player issues and just general discussion with people.  So, this is another reason I like this game, and this developer.

You can find the game on Steam: